The Specific Complex Tourism Facilities Areas Development Bill, so-called IR Implementation Bill passed and enacted on 20th July, 2018. This passage allows the development of integrated resorts including casinos in Japan, which will promote stay-type tourism.
Although it is still unknown which cities will be certified as IR areas, Kansai-Osaka has been one of the most active candidate cities from an early stage with the artificial island "Yumeshima" as a potential IR area.
Osaka has already announced that they are going to name one IR operator as their partner in June 2020, which will accelerate the Yumeshima IR project.
The purpose of this exhibition is to be a help of a sound development of the Japanese-style IR industry which will attract a lot of tourists from all around the world.

- "Rendering of Smart IR City" by KANSAI Association of Corporate Executives
What is Integrated Resorts (IR)?
Casino facilities and international conference center / exhibition halls / theaters to promote attractiveness of Japanese tradition, culture, and arts / facilities of sending tourists / accommodations / other facilities including those contributing to the promotion of visits and stay of tourists, which is integrally established and operated by a private operator.
"Specified Integrated Resort Facilities" indicate a group of high-standard facilities for attracting leisure tourists, business tourists, and the locals consisting of casinos, entertainment facilities, accommodation, conference facilities, restaurants, and shopping facilities.
Excerpt from "Basic ideas for the IR Implementation Bill" by the Alliance for the Promotion of International Tourism
Act on Development of Specified Integrated Resort Districts
The matters specified to promote the development of specified integrated resort districts aiming at realizing internationally competitive stay-type tourism.
→ Full text from the Prime Minister's Office of Japan Official Website (Japanese Only)